Senserbach wetland

Senserbach wetland

Location: In the Senserbach valley near Lemiers on the German-Dutch border

Foto: Dr. Manfred Aletsee

Size: 3.1 hectares

Protected status: Protected landscape feature

Biotope/geography/geology: Wet meadow and pond on Pleistocene alluvial loam and slopes on limestone marl.

Conservation purpose: Structurally rich wet and dry grassland with spring, former reservoir, wooded slopes, stream banks, reedbeds, tall herbaceous meadows.
Breeding and feeding habitat for marsh warbler, reed warbler, yellowhammer, kingfisher, turtle dove, pond rail, coot rail, little grebe, green woodpecker, grey heron, Egyptian goose.
Stepping stone biotope for migratory birds: garganey, pintail, water rail, wood sandpiper, little ringed plover.
Establishment of a new orchard with tall old varieties (e.g. Rheinischer Bohnapfel, Schöner von Boskoop).
Valuable spawning biotope for amphibians such as the common toad, grass frog, alpine newt and pond newt.
Remarkable plant occurrences (e.g. nodding celery, nodding two-toothed, perennial heather)

Maintenance: Extensive grazing with sheep, maintenance of pollarded willows, sludge removal from watercourses.

Funding: The NABU Aachen city association acquired the area in 1998 with financial support from private donors and the "Aachener Revier" nature conservation program. The creation of the orchard and the desilting of the pond were funded by the City of Aachen (1999).
Maintenance is carried out by the NABU nature conservation station in Aachen.


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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 16/09/2020
