Working group wild bees
They are buzzing in the tub beds, gnawing on the poppies and freshly wallpapering empty snail shells. The food supply and the real estate market for wild bees have been in decline for decades. But they still exist and provide an indispensable service for us and, not least, for nature. And there is a lot we can do to keep them that way.
Since 2014, the wild bees working group has been focusing on our mysterious - and incidentally absolutely harmless - helpers. In theory and on excursions, we learn about the diversity, the craziest strategies and also the reasons for the decline of this fascinating group of insects.
If you are interested or have any specific questions, please write to us or simply drop by.
Date: Once a month by arrangement
Contact: Monika Nelißen (
Bees fascinate me because, on the one hand, they live so inconspicuously in our immediate environment - if it is not too hostile. Once you have developed an eye for it, you can see the great diversity of species, the amazing adaptability to certain environmental conditions and the diverse networks with their environment, between the species or with other insect groups (parasites, cuckoo bees, ...). And you don't have to travel to the tropical jungle, not even to the Alps, to have exciting bee experiences. You can do it in your own garden, the fallow land around the corner, even on the neglected grass verge by the main road.
Monika Nelißen

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