Freyent Forest

Freyent Forest

NRW-Stiftung und NABU Aachen erwerben Grundstücke im Freyenter Wald

AachenNew areas in the Freyenter Forest near Aachen have been secured for nature conservation purposes. Together with NABU-Stadtverband Aachen e.V., NRW-Stiftung the NRW-Stiftung has acquired around 57 hectares of land in the Lichtenbusch district. The foundation provided a sum of 930,000 euros for the purchase and NABU provided a sum of 97,000 euros.

Der Freyenter Wald als Waldwildnisfläche gesichert (Foto: M. Aletsee)

The Freyent Forest is located directly on the border with Belgium and comprises a forest complex of around 57 hectares on the German side. Around 8 hectares of the area have been protected since 1988. The remaining area is now to be added to the nature reserve. The Freyent Forest is of particular importance, as large parts are occupied by old, protected hardwood stands with oaks and ash trees up to 150 years old. "Old, near-natural forests are rare in NRW," says Martina Grote, Managing Director of the NRW-Stiftung. "That's why we didn't hesitate for long when deciding to secure the area for nature conservation." "By purchasing the land, threatened habitats and numerous rare species are to be sustainably protected in a forest wilderness area in accordance with the objectives of the national biodiversity strategy," says Claus Mayr, 1st Chairman of the NABUStadtverband Aachen." The woodland serves as a habitat and retreat for widespread species such as the great tit and wood anemone as well as rarer species such as the middle spotted woodpecker, bat species such as the brown long-eared bat and orchids. Due to the quiet, secluded location, goshawks and red kites are also present as breeding birds. "With regard to the climate crisis, it has been proven that natural forests with lots of old and dead wood store significantly more greenhouse gases than forests used for forestry. They are also true hotspots of biodiversity, with over 1,300 species of beetle living in deadwood alone," says Dr. Manfred Aletsee, head of the NABU nature conservation station. The Freyenter Forest is also of additional importance in the supra-regional forest biotope network, as it connects the Eifel forests with the Aachen city forest to the north and the adjacent forest areas on the Belgian side. This is particularly relevant for animal species with large home ranges such as the wildcat. NABU-Naturschutzstation Aachen, in cooperation with the NABU city association of Aachen, is responsible for the management of the acquired land.


Blog über den Besuch der OB-Kandidatin der BÜNDNIS 90/ DIE GRUENEN, Frau Sibylle Keupen, im Freyenter Wald:

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