Augustinerwald wilderness area
As part of the Interreg IVA project Habitat Euregio (sub-project "Ecological function of forests"), NABU Aachen entered into a contractual agreement with the City of Aachen in 2013 to protect a forest wilderness area in the Augustinerwald.
The area of around 18,000 m² was taken out of forestry use and is also to be protected as part of a nature reserve designated in the new landscape plan. The area is characterized by its high proportion of native trees and shrubs. In addition to the predominant species copper beech, common oak and scattered sand birch and ash grow here. Some of the stands have reached an advanced age - the oaks are sometimes around 200 years old or older. The herb and shrub layer is developed to varying degrees. The herb layer is only sparsely developed in the beech stands in particular, as little light reaches the ground here. The Beverbach, which is characterized by its near-natural, meandering course, flows through the forest wilderness area. Another stream flows into the Beverbach, which is also developed in a near-natural state.
- NABU-Präsident Olaf Tschimpke zu Besuch in AachenOlaf Tschimpke, Präsident des Naturschutzbundes (NABU) Deutschland, machte auf seiner diesjährigen Sommerreise auch in Aachen Halt. Am gestrigen Dienstag, den 21. August 2018, besuchte er zusammen mit Claus Mayr und Herbert Fleu, dem 1....
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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 14/06/2023