Indetal wet meadow

Indetal wet meadow

Location: In the Indetal valley between Kornelimünster and Brand

Foto: Dr. Manfred Aletsee

Size: 3.6 hectares

Protected status: Nature reserve

Biotope/geography/geology: Wet and marshy meadow in the Aachen hill country with slope pressure sources on basic, Pleistocene clay deposits.

Conservation purpose: Valuable grassland and fen structures. Species-rich vegetation with typical insect fauna. Marsh marsh marigold meadows, brown sedge meadows, iris stands, large sedge meadows. Naturally meandering course of the Inde with wooded and structurally rich banks.
Breeding and feeding habitat for marsh warbler, goldfinch, whitethroat, yellow warbler, kingfisher, dipper, grey wagtail, lesser spotted woodpecker, tree falcon.
Habitat of rare grasshopper species: golden grasshopper, marsh grasshopper, marsh grasshopper.

Maintenance of sub-areas: Extensive grazing with sheep, single-cut mowing, hand mowing, hedge maintenance.

Funding: The NABU Aachen city association acquired the area between 1992 and 1995 with financial support from private donors and funding from the "Aachener Revier" nature conservation program.
The acquisition and protection of the area is regarded as the impetus for the designation of the Indetal nature reserve and forms its core area.


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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 16/09/2020
