Fruit orchard Am Türmchen
Location: Vaalserquartier/Steppenberg, Dreiländerweg at the old border fortification "Am Türmchen".
Size: 5.6 hectares
Protected status: Protected landscape feature
Biotope/geography/geology: Dry valley with orchard on the northern edge of the Aachen city forest on tertiary flint-rich loams and sands.
Conservation purpose: Conservation purpose: Structurally rich orchard with rough grassland. Old high-stemmed orchard (approx. 1930) with partly local varieties (e.g. Seidenhemdchen, Winterrambur, Aachener Hausapfel, Oberdiecks Renette, chestnuts), supplemented at the end of the 1980s, 2006 and 2007 by extensive replanting (approx. 110 trees). Structurally rich field hedges. Large areas of rough pasture. Breeding habitat for nuthatch, green woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, little owl, tree sparrow, gray flycatcher).
Maintenance: Extensive grazing with cattle, fruit and pollard tree maintenance in cooperation with the local population.
Funding: The NABU Aachen city association acquired the area in 2006 with financial support from private donors and the NRW Foundation. The addition of the orchard was funded by the City of Aachen (1980s) and the Rhineland Regional Association (2007). Maintenance is carried out by the NABU nature conservation station in Aachen.
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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 16/09/2020