Varnenum cultural landscape
The Varnenum temple district near Aachen-Kornelimünster was used as a cult center ruled by the Romans between around 100 and 260 AD. Today, there is little sign of the hustle and bustle of past centuries around the Varnenum: the foundations are covered with a layer of earth. This preserves the archaeological evidence for later investigations in the context of the finds and ensures "that the site can still be scientifically examined by later generations", explains Professor Heinz Günter Horn, the archaeologist.
Walled-up quarry stones show visitors where the buildings stood in the Varnenum temple district. The complex was actually much larger than the part visible today: A total of five hectares are under monument protection, as many archaeological remains probably still rest in the ground - undisturbed for almost two millennia.
More information and photos of the monument can be found on the NRW-Stiftung website:
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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 16/09/2020