Hahn Quarry
Location: In the Indetal valley near Walheim-Hahn
Size: 6.4 hectares
Protected status: Nature reserve
Biotope/geography/geology: Abandoned limestone quarry in the Aachener Hügelland with steep walls and partly dry, partly groundwater flooded floor. Devonian mass limestone (bluestone).
Conservation purpose: Valuable substitute biotope for lime-loving forest and dry biotope vegetation (e.g. golden thistle, centaury, rough violet, crested crossflower, sunrose.
Bodies of water with rich dragonfly and amphibian fauna (including large populations of the large damselfly, the large dragonfly, the great crested newt and the midwife toad).
Sedimentation zone with small sedge meadows and reeds.
Maintenance: scrub clearance of the bed, traffic safety.
Acquisition: The NABU Aachen city association acquired the area from the Wülfrath lime works in 1986 for a symbolic price and saved the quarry from being filled in.
- NABU conservation areasDie Schutzgebiete des NABU Aachen sind wichtige Zentren für den nachhaltigen Schutz der Arten- und Lebensraumvielfalt in Aachen. Sie repräsentieren die Vielfalt naturnaher Lebensräume und historisch gewachsener Kulturlebensräume in unserer Region. Landwirtschaftlich geprägte Lebensräume werden in...
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 16/09/2020